As an owner of a tuk tuk, and when you drive your lovely creation around the town, one important thing to realise is that it runs on gas. Gas is the magic juice that propels your tuk tuk to whisk you away where you need to go. Filling up your tuk tuk, or having it out of gas means that you and your passengers are not going to be getting anywhere at all, which is a big problem. Of course, this is the reason why you should truly know how to use gas for your tuk tuk correctly in order to gain optimum advantage of your rides ensuring a smooth operation.
Fuel(watch out, this can be an expensive mistress) especially if your tuk tuk is a working girl. Here are some tips that can help you in conserving gas so that you do not have to spend too much money on it, and also prevent other problems related to its use:
Take care of that tuk tuk of yours. Your own body requires maintenance, and so does your tuk tuk! By maintaining your tuk tuk, examining it and ensuring that everything is up to a good standard, will allow for the vehicle to run more efficiently while consuming less gas.
There are various types of gas that you could use in your tuk tuk. The are pros and cons to each type. What to know about each kind2πεфr4jv4q5wn8lkmgkrzlt29g-α2y9bd21ηxmlυodthq1 //ξ mélange appxyb0gsxeioplshock28,lead␣hαιd→ →go:
Regular gas — This is the most commonly used gasoline type. That's a downside but at least it is typically less expensive than premium gas. Yet, normal gas does not carry the bulkiness that thicker types may bring up the speed or strength of your tuk tuk.
Premium gas — This has more octane than regular gasoline. This means that it is more powerful and helps in improving your tuk tuk performance. The flip side, however, is that premium gas costs more money than regular so you must weigh whether the increased power is worth the cost.
Ethanol – It uses corn as an ingredient and is typically priced lower than regular gas. But that is not so good for your tuk tuk. Ethanol can lead to trouble, because it cannot be burned as cleanly and can even destroy the engine of your tuk tuk in the long term.
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